03/12/01: Urgent Prayer Requests
This week, instead of having a humor and inspirational piece, I'm going to
ask all of you to pray for a few very urgent prayer requests and please
forward these to your friends. Thanks!
1. From Janet Chan, who sent this on Sunday morning:
Dear Josh,
I'm sister Janet, who goes to your father's church in Bayside, Queens. I
have an urgent prayer request that I would like to share with you and I
hope you can share also with others. We just received word this morning
that my husband Tony Chan's grandfather is hospitalized with massive
interior bleeding and in near death condition. We were planning to visit
him in Yangzho, China next month to comfort him in his battle against
cancer and tell him about Jesus Christ. Now today we greatly need and
appreciate your prayers for Mr. Chan senior and his family in China. Thank
you and God bless you.
2. From Cynthia Fong [who worked at an orphanage in Hong Kong]:
Pray for baby Andrew
>From: "Amy Glentzer"
>Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 02:16:06 -0800
>Hey Cynthia. I've just spent the day in ICU with Andrew.
>He's not well at all. He's in very critical condition and things
>are looking worse. I'll go again tomorrow and sit with him. Any
>changes and I'll let you know. Please pray for a miracle - pray for
>me too. I'm feeling pretty hopeless.
3. From Frank Goon:
Can you forward this to as many people as possible?
I just got an email from a friend. The snow storm that passed through the
northeastern region has caused hazardous driving conditions. My friend's
roommate (Lisa) ... her sister and mom got into a car accident 3/6. It's
very serious. Lisa's sister and mom are in the hospital. Lisa's mom ...
they don't know if she will live.
Can you please pray from Lisa's family?! They live in DC area.
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